Long Live Breakfast!

13 Feb

Usually I like to dig into a big, gooey bowl of peanut butter oatmeal with bananas for breakfast. I’ve been using Chia seeds with it now, and they are great! They are like a natural thickening agent, so your oatmeal is more pudding-like. I don’t think i made that sound any more appealing, but trust me, they are great! Plus they have a ton of fiber, protein, and good fats for very little calories.

To be honest, Peanut Butter in anything is good

But sometimes I feel like eggs. Fried or poached so that they are nice and gooey, and like butter in your mouth. Topped with cheddar cheese, avocado, and salsa? Doesn’t get much better.

Huevos, anyone?

And if I am feeling more of a brunch mood, I like to get some greens in, and keep it classic with gravlax. Salmon, cream cheese, capers, and a little onion and lemon hit the spot like nothing else.

Perfect for brunch

And of course, if I wanna keep things real, I go with bacon, buttermilk pancakes, and real Canadian maple syrup. Tastes like home!

ok....now I'm hungry...

I guess what I’m trying to say is, breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. It sets the mood for your day and provides the most delicious form of energy.

Happy Breaky!


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